Word Clock

This project took me forever to finish… but still it is one of the best looking ones I’ve built so far.

Around 2012 some friends introduced me to the Biegert&Funk QLOCKTWO. I found this to be pretty awesome, and soon I was started thinking how hard could it be to build one of my own…


I think it was by this time that I’ve found out about Instructables, and I’ve found this one.

As Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother would say:


I’ve started building the clock following the steps, but soon enough I’ve started making some changes:

  • Printed a portuguese word clock layout in transparent acetate sheets in a local Staples, and stack them up for a dark professional look.
  • Used the original IKEA RIBBA frame, as it was a pretty good enclosure for this project, and cut a bright green passepartout out of a sheet of thick paper.
  • Used a perforated prototyping board for the shifters and the amplifiers, with lot’s of wiring…not the most professional look, but it was cheap and got the job done.
  • The support for the leds and electronics was a piece of thick cardboard.
  • Used an Arduino UNO, since I didn’t want to fiddle around with oscillators, etc, but mounted a power regulator so that the UNO and the Amplifier and Registers would get a stable voltage.

It took me forever to solder the Leds to the resistors…

Led to resistor soldering process

When finally I’ve ended all the soldering, I have to say that I ran out of motivation juice, and the project stood still for a while… until I thought to myself that I was not going to be one of those guys who start a bunch of things but don’t finish them.

After a lot of soldering (and patience) I’ve ended up with this:

Final hairy connections done.

I know, it’s not pretty…but hey, it works. 🙂

The Arduino code was relatively easy to write, and soon enough I’ve ended up with my own Word Clock. YAY!

I think the outside looks a lot better than its guts, but after 3 years it still works.

Backside with the hours and minutes set buttons

Here it is in its final position, close to my Batman vehicles and the first version of the Iron Man Arc Reactor (more on this later…).

Finished project!

Take care, and be safe out there!